Vision, Values and Ethos

Our Vision
As a Supplementary School, our vision is to create a safe environment where all students  can learn our native language, explore the Greek & Cypriot culture and broaden their minds, irrespective of any connection that might have to Greece or Cyprus. Every single student is empowered to thrive and grow by a continuously improving School with qualified teachers, practising all four communication skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) through tailored activities at every lesson.
Our Values
Our values underpin all that we do at the Greek School of Manchester.
Help others
Motivating our children to go out of their way to help others equips them with a sense of social responsibility. Also, they get to know how they can help themselves when they have to face a challenge by building resilience.
Respect and be respected

Nothing can be achieved without mutual respect. It conveys a sense of commitment to  positive qualities, which we constantly try to cultivate at our School.


Remain motivated
Learning a language, especially a highly inflected one such as Greek, is not an easy task and results may come after a considerable amount of time. We encourage our students to persevere and remain motivated and focused on their learning goals.

Value each other 
We help our students build positive relationships based on the belief that we are all different and all equal. We strictly follow a zero tolerance approach to bullying, racism, discrimination, victimisation and offensive language.
Our Ethos
Promote positive behaviours and honourable morals.
We strongly believe that the whole family is part of our School and that by working together, great outcomes can be achieved.