Our School is now a proud member of Young Manchester

We are excited and proud to have become a member of Young Manchester, a vibrant community of organisations dedicated to empowering every child and young person in our city to thrive and fulfil their potential through outstanding opportunities. As members of Young Manchester we express our commitment to a set of shared values:


  • Be actively inclusive, non-discriminatory and anti-racist

  • Always work for the best interests of children and young people

  • Be open, transparent and collaborative for the benefit of children and young people

  • Listen to and acting on the lived experiences of children and young people

  • Be ambitious and strive for the best for all children and young people across Manchester


This is a significant step towards fostering diversity, inclusivity, and partnerships, whilst we gain access to an array of outstanding support that will enrich the educational experience of our pupils. Together, we pave the way for a brighter and more promising future for the children and the youth of our city.


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