Our School Summer Show

As the school year drew to a close, we hosted our sea-themed summer show, a heartwarming celebration for our community. The event featured a delightful range of poems and songs, including ‘The Seagull’ by Nobel Prize-winning poet Odysseus Elytis and modern rebetiko classic ‘The Little Crabs’ by Vassilis Tsitsanis.


The children took to the stage with poise and enthusiasm, astounding everyone with their confident performances. Apart from cuteness overload, this was testament to the children’s growth and accomplishments in the supportive environment fostered by their teachers. 


Applause and cheers echoed through the amphitheatre, as families and friends expressed their support, filling the venue with excitement and pride. A few members of the audience were moved to the point of tearing up. 


We are certain that the event will be a memorable experience for everyone who attended and we look forward to reuniting in autumn, after a refreshing summer break. 


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