Headteacher shares expertise at International Greek Language Day event

We are thrilled to announce that our Headteacher, Ms Maria Pavlakou, has been invited to take part in an online event marking the International Greek Language Day on Friday 9th February 2024. Organised by the special interest group D.EL.EXO. and the Centre for the Greek Language, the event aims to showcase innovative teaching methods for Greek language education around the world.

Under the theme “Challenges, practices, proposals for the teaching of Greek abroad: teachers’ voices,” Maria will share insights and highlight specific initiatives from our school. She joins an international lineup of educators from Switzerland, Australia, Denmark, the USA, and China.

The event is in Greek, and we encourage anyone interested to attend. You can find the programme below. For further details, please drop us an email at info@greekschoolmanchester.org.uk or stay connected with us for updates through our social media channels.

We look forward to Maria’s contribution to the global dialogue on Greek language education!

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